Premiere screening in Jakarta, Indonesia, 7 December 2012
Breaking the News will have its final festival screening in Jakarta, Indonesia at Chop Shots Film Festival on Friday 7 December 2012.
Screening, Friday 7th December 2012 at 5.00pm,
Taman Ismail Marzuki (belakang Galeri Cipta 3)
Jl. Cikini Raya 73, Jakarta Pusat 10330
This one off screening will take place at 5:00pm at TIM XXI #1 map.
Screens in the festivals Filmmakers Journey program. Ten documentaries that show the West and the East telling their stories and learning from each other.
This is a free event, we recommend you arrive early at the 130 seater venue.
A complete catelogue of Chop Shots Film Festivals events is available here.
The Breaking the News DVD with extras is due for release by early 2013 and available to pre order. Please join our Facebook group for further updates about ordering the DVD and to stay in touch with the film and our continued interest in independent journalism in Timor Leste.
Facebook: facebook.com/BreakingTheNewsDocumentary
Twitter your responses to: @BreakingTheNews